Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Vision for the Future

Vision Board

This is what I have planned for my future, created using Photoshop and my determination to make it happen
 As for my future in reference to my vision board, majority of my photos are of Barack and Michelle Obama. I aspire to achieve greatness like the inspirational couple because of their literally world changing accomplishments. I am interested in pursuing a career in politics and most importantly nonprofit and charity work focusing on youth, which is why I chose pictures of Michelle Obama with children. The background photo is a location that fiercely represents the opposite of where I live now, which is where I'd like to be. Barack Obama also attended Columbia University which is where incidentally I'd like to go to law school.


  1. Nice choice of career and charity work. Also very nice choice of color scheme. I noticed you are pursuing charity work focusing on youth, but what kind?

    1. I want to focus on development in third world countries as far as access to free and clean water, and free education for women and children.

  2. The pictures you used in this vision board are very nicely put together. What caused you to research the politics of the Obamas? I genuinely believe you will go far in politics. I support you!

    1. Thank you Jessica, I began researching politics surrounding the Obama's because truly it was good to see black people leading at such a large global scale.

  3. I really like how a majority of your picture is of Barack and Michelle Obama; it shows that you really look up to them. I noticed that you want to achieve greatness just like the Obama couple which is a great motivation. I can see you makes changes in the growing world around us. Overall I love your vision board and the explanation behind it. GOOD JOB!
